I made an card for Make it Monday , since I got another idea while making the first one. I again used Modern basics, Polka dots and Journaling lines but this time I used only one color . The sentiment is saying `happy holildays`. Thanks for stoping by.
Z istimi štampiljkami kot pri prejšnji objavi sem ponovno sestavljala vzorec za Make it monday izziv. Tokrat v eni barvi. Ko sem že pri barvah in blazinicah....dolgujem dva odgovora. Božična rdeča in zelena iz prejšnje objave sta Distress blazinici Peeled paint in Fired brick. Bela pigmentna blazinica pa je PTI Fresh snow, a je menda tudi Colorbox (ki se jo lažje dobi kot PTI) odlična. Želim vam lep vikend.
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Pred 6 urami
8 komentarjev:
Hvala za informacijo oa blazinici. Spet še ena čudovita voščilnica :)
Enostavno čudovita :-))
How unique! Love this!
gorgeous card. Love the design you created. The color combination is stunning.
Hi, Tina! I was just checking the PTI Make-it-Monday post, and I noticed this beauty you've created! Love the background, the torn edge, the lace, and the gorgeous flower. Simply beautiful! Love it!
(I'll be attempting to create something for this challenge.)
ooo, tole pa sem skoraj prešpricala. Zelo lepa je in všeč mi je, ko ni taka čisto klasična.
Very eye-catching design and color scheme. Beautifully done. :)
Čudovita čestitka! ღ Posebna in prav to mi je všeč na njej.
Lepo se imej,
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