My friend asked me to make an anniversary card for the 50 years of wedding celebration. I was all into pockets, so I here is another card (sure not the last one) using it and I apply it for the Make it monday challenge. This time I made a really tall pocket and I like how it covers most of the card. I gold embossed HA Three birds rose and used PTI Polka dots set to make the GB. This is not my most offten used colour combo, but it suits the oportunity. Tfl.
Ko me je prijateljica prosila za voščilnico za zlato poroko, sem se spet lotila ene z žepki. Motiv vrtnice sem zlato embosirala, da se lepo poda k priložnosti. Uporabila pa sem tudi pikice in čipko, zato jo prijavljam na izziv Craftalnice, kjer hočejo prav to.
Zebra/*** 16
Pred 1 dnem
5 komentarjev:
Tudi ta je čudovita. Zlata in rdeča kombinacija sta kot nalašč za zlato poroko.
So pretty, Tina! I love the contrast of the deep, rich pocket and the beautiful, soft panel with the rose! Such a lovely, lace ribbon too!
Zlata v kombinacijo z belo in temno rdečo daje krasno elegantno čestitko. Krasna je.
Zelo lepa, zlata vrtnica s mi sploh poda k čipki :).
Zelo lepo. Za zlato poroko, je po moje izbira vrtnice, kot simbol neomajne in večne ljubezni ... tisto pravo. Lp
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