I was happy to see the post with the challenge nr. 10 and I really enjoyed making this card. I used Journaling lines stamp for the BG and stamped over with flowers from beautifull blooms II. Pannel with the cut out (Fillable frames nr. 10 die) is lifted with 3D foam dots. The sentiment (Wish you all the best) was computer generated and `framed` with the stamp from Fillable frames nr.10
Če na hitro preletite blog je spodaj nekaj ekspresnih objav, kjer ni niti slovenskega teksta in so bolj obupne fotografije, pa tudi voščilnice so bile ekspresno hitro zložene skupaj. Sicer sem vedno bolj hitre sorte, a to je bilo res ekspresno, pa še pozno zame (do dveh zjutraj sem strigla in lepila...). Zdaj živim v upanju, da bom izžrebana za meni zelo lep komplet štampiljk, ki ga sicer ni mogoče kupiti. V bistvu niti nisem vedela, da bi tisti dan moralo biti 10 izzivov, saj je bil zadnji objavljen št. 9. No, očitno je deseti izpadel in je v igri sedaj, pa sem seveda pritaknila svoj lonček tudi danes. Bel papir z napisom je na voščilnici, poštempljani del z odprtino pa je nalepljen čez s 3D blazinicami.
Čestitke za gasilce
Pred 10 urami
11 komentarjev:
Hi, Tina!
I was so glad to see your beautiful card on the PTI blog. So I had to come here to leave a comment. You created another elegant and gorgeous card! I love all the colorful flowers around the sentiment panel. Every detail is simply beautiful!
Have a nice day!
What fabulous, colourful stamping, Tina. I love this gorgeous card.
Carol x
Very pretty!
LOVE this one, Tina! The colors against kraft really show up! Wish I had more PTI stamps so I could play more!
I love this so much!!!!!!!
Meni je tole krasno, vso srečo.
Zelo lepa je. Te rože jo tako krasno popestrijo. Držim pesti, da dobiš štampiljke, res so lepe.
Beautiful card - love the colours and the journalling lines make an elegant background.
This is gorgeous, Tina!!! Amazing card! Vanessa x
This is lovely, I"ve never seen that set look so good! Great color choices, a beauty for sure.
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