This is my last `glittery button card` for PTI Make it Monday challenge. I used two orange buttons, covered them with Glossy accents and poured prisma glitter over. I stamped sweet Lily of the valley image and used half and half dies to vinish the card. The sentiment is saying `With nicest wishes` and I put thin double sided tape and glitter over part of it. Thanks for stopping by.
Moja tretja voščilnica za Make it Monday izziv, nastala je prejšnji teden, ko so me bleščeči gumbi čisto prevzeli. Motiv šmarnice sem odtisnila v črni barvi in ga le nekoliko osenčila z belo barvico. Bleščice sem nato uporabila tudi pri napisu in sicer sem čezenj zalepila obojestranski lepilni trak in nato posula z bleščicami. Lepo vas pozdravljam.
Čestitka za sedemdeset let
Pred 11 urami
9 komentarjev:
Zelo zanimiva, bleščice ji dajo čisto poseben pečat!
Love how you used the half and half dies here!! Also really like the glittery strip across the sentiment :) Beautifully done, Tina!
I love this. Your card caught my eye immediately. The colors are so bright and cheerful and I love the beautiful simplicity of the card. It really makes the details of the glitter pop.
Vidim, da so te res bleščice čisto prevzele :). Naredila si pa še eno zelo lepo rojstnodnevno.
Baš mi se sviđaju ti botunići...svi!
Prelepa ;)
Simple yet very pretty! :)
gym marketing
Joj Tina, koliko tvojih krasnih izdelkov sem izpustila. Ne vem zakaj mi ne pokaže vseh objav dnevnikov, ki jih spremljam.
Zelo so mi všeč tvoje čestitke, ker so tako preprosto čudovite. Ravno prav je vsega. :)
No, če boš pa še kaj naročala PTI izdelke, mi sporoči. Se bi kar "prištulila" zraven... Pozdravček... :))
Oooh, I really love this, it's very pretty! Those glimmery buttons really are such a great accent to the already beautiful floral that is stamped!
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