This HA sentiment is the best sentiment ever. I rarely use English sentiments on cards, since it feels weird not to send cards with sentiments is our I usually computer genetare them. This card was inspired by Jennifer McGuire and her great tips at Inspiration showcase online class. I just love the resist techique! I made this card for two challenges: Lily Pad cards Resist challenge and Simon Says Stamp Dies to die for. I never mentioned it before - dies are my favourite tool, ther share the firts place with stamps. Here I used Tim Holtz Scallop die and Papertreyink flower die.
Tale HA napis mi je tako ljub, da sem ga uporabila na voščilnici skupaj z brezskrbno druščino.... Uporabila sem `resist` tehniko, kjer sem papir najprej rahlo pobarvala z Distress blazinico, nato sem s prozornim prahom embosirala motiv (najprej sem počakala, da se je papir dobro osušil) in na koncu obilno nanesla Distess barvo, da je motiv izstopil.
Pred 8 urami
8 komentarjev:
this is totally adorable! Love the colors too! :-) Amy
WOW, ti niti ne uspem sledit, tako hitro nastajajo tvoje krasne voščilnice. In vsaka drugačna in nekaj posebnega.
Ojoj, tale mi je pa ušla. Krasna je, barve so čudovite in tista rožica (sonček) je kot smetana na kavi.....:):)
Tole sem skoraj izpustila. Ta napis je res super in všeč mi je tale čisto posebna čestitka. Drugačna in motiv je zelo lep.
Super darling card, love the layout and colour combo.. thanks for joining us at Simon Says Challenge blog
Zelo je luštna. Všeč mi je ker nosi sporočilo.
Wow, I love your card. It is wonderful. I really love the way you used the velum paper and the layered the die cuts.
Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge blog!!
xoxo, Christine
Beautiful! I love the colors that you chose and the details (twine and button and borders) are so lovely!
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