Since I was in the mood for Halloween cards, I made another one for Latrice challenge and Lily pad cards resist challenge. I used Hero arts Silly scapes stamp and highlighted one building. For the BG I silver embossed HA Flourish stamp then I put the paper on mixture of Distress ink and water. Hope that orange, purple and handcut bat give the card some halloween look. Wish you a great week.
Še ena Halloween voščilnica iz domačih zalog...tokrat sem uporabila motiv mesta. Ozadje sem najprej embosirala s srebrnim prahom in papir nato `povaljala` v z vodo razredčeni Distress barvi (na plastično podlago sem natapkala barvo z blazinico in nato dobro pošpricala z vodo). Embosirane črte vodne kapljice zaustavljajo in nastane takšno ozadje v več tonih. No, želim vam prav nič grozen in zelo prijeten teden.
Pred 4 urami
10 komentarjev:
Love that flourish in the sky!! What a perfect card :)
Ozadje mi je fantastično in hvala za opis, kako si do njega prišla. 3D mesto pa je prav skrivnostno mračobno in naredi dober učinek.
Krasno ozadje si naredila in super dopolnila s tem mestom in netopirjem. Krasna je.
O tole ozadje me je pa čisto fasciniralo... mislim, da ga bom mogla kmalu preizkusit=) Tudi voščilnica kot celota je zelo simpatična...
This background is amazing! I love the silver with the purple. Thanks again.
What a wonderful Halloween design, very spooky and love the flourishes of your lavender night sky!
Tale je nenormalno dobra voščilnica. Sicer nisem pristaš "helovina", ampak tale mi je pa všeč!
Wow, Tina! This is beautiful and spooky at the same time. I love the fabulous resist background, the color is so fantastic! Thanks for adding this stunner to the Lily Pad Cards Resist Challenge gallery.
I have to agree. Beautiful & spooky all the way. Such a gorgeous card!
Wonderful -just love the sky - very classy Halloween card, Tina :O)
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