Happy Birthday Linda! I wanted to make you a card that was happy and bright like you. I am sending you big birthday hugs and I hope you have a very special day. Your next stop is Stephanie Klauck`s blog.
Dear blog readers, just in case you don`t know... Sweet Linda is celebrating her birthday and we organized a blog hop for her that started on Mary Dawn`s blog.
Linda, solastnica A Blog Named Hero praznuje rojstni dan in punce iz ustvarjalnega tima smo ji pripravile blog hop, ki se je začel pri Mary Dawn. Naredila sem ji voščilnico, ki je preprosta in živahna kot je ona. Črne pike so embosirane, nato pa sem jih nekaj pobarvala s fluorescentnimi markerji - tistimi običajnimi, pisarniškimi. Tudi roza rob sem naredila s pomočjo markerja. Pobarvala sem ozek trak in ga prilepila k pikasti podlagi. Hvala za obisk, želim vam lep zadnji vikend tega leta.
Voščilnica z akvarelnim cvetjem
Pred 15 urami
22 komentarjev:
ooooo kakšna krasna ideja, super postavitev. lp
zelo pozorno od tebe,
lepa voščilnica
in vse najboljše Lindi
LP Tamara
Krasna voščilnica. Enostavne ideje velikokrat izpadejo najboljše.
Very cute card...love the cutout!
I love the colored dots and the cut-out. Super fun!
Very nice card. I love the way your sentiment sits inside the cut away circle.
Love this card with your bright girly clours Tina!
Super love this Tina! What a super fun card :)
Beautiful Tina. So cheery and fun! Linda is ultra spoilt.
Love the graphic feel to this and the cut out for the sentiment! Gorgeous!
I like how only some of the circles are colored. Nice
I like how you used different inks for the different words.
Fantastična ideja in lušna voščilnica! Bomo kopirali ob kakšni priložnosti ;)
Great card Tina!!!
So fun! I love the neons and I love the way you cut out the circle like that!
Tina, this is one STRIKING birthday card! I love the FUN colors and design! Beautifully done, my friend!
Tina I just love this card, it's so bright and fun!!
Thank you SO much for the birthday wishes, you made my day!!
Adorable card.
Adorable card.
tale pa je res posrečena! ful dobra in posebna
Love the colors you used in the circles and continuation of theme with the cutout.
Super ideja, super bave, super postavitev... Super voščilnica :)
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