It has been a long since I created for Make It Monday challenge. This week there is such a gorgeous color palette to work with, so I creted a card for a SUPER Girl (that`s wat the sentiment is saying). There is a lot of white space, touch of black and the most represented color is green. There is still time to enter my giveaway here.
Redko že vnaprej vem, kdo bo prejel voščilnico, a tokrat sem na podlagi barvne kombinacije pri Make It Monday, delala čisto namensko. Zato sem tudi prilagodila količino barv in dodala črno. Še vedno vas tule čaka bonbonček... Želim vam lepo nedeljo.
Rojstvo/*** 10
Pred 4 urami
18 komentarjev:
Super čestitka za super punco. Izbrala si lepo meni zelo ljubo zeleno barvo.
Vau, super je tako malo otroška, malo rokerska, no vsaj meni tako deluje! Mislim, da jo bo zelo vesela, je nekaj posebnega :-))
Zelo domiselno. Tvoje ideje so res nekaj čisto posebnega, zelo všečnega.
Pri tvojih izdelkih mi je všeč, ker so videti tako enostavno lepi. Zelo lepo si jo sestavila. Kot piše na njej " super punca" :). Lp
What a fun card, I love all the texture you have created!!
Absolutely adorable, Tina! I love this delightful card!
Luštna zelena kuverta in kitara in metulj, ki naredi čestitko tako nežno!
Adorable, Tina! Love all the color! :)
Hi, Tina!
What a super-adorable, FUN, and "Rockin'" card! I love all the sweet details and elements! Your creativity is never-ending!
Beautifully done, my friend!
I love this card! Great layout. The twine and butterfly are a perfect touch!
What a fun card Tina! I love those little music notes, super cute :)
Wow! This is so fun Tina! Love those music notes :)
This is darling!!! My daughter would totally love this one!!!
This is just adorable Tina! I love the design and the "fun" feeling that this card has!
Fantastic, Tina! Absolutely stunning design! Did you use a template for the envelope?
Very fun card Tina! Love the rock guitar!
I love this one Tina fabulous.
Hugs Elaine
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