All the girls from the A Blog Named Hero design team made cards for sweet Jennifer McGuire who finaly :-) gave birth to a sweet little girl named Lila Grace. Here is mine and you need to check all the other cards, since they are gorgeous. I also have my giveaway winer and it is ....#70 - MOI!
Izžrebala sem dobitnico bonbončka in to je ........ komentar #70.......MOI!!! Čestitam in prosim pošlji mi svoj naslov, da bo bonbonček lahko šel na pot. Pa še voščilnica za novorojenčka, ki je romala k Jennifer McGuire....uf, kakšno tremo sem imela izdelovati voščilnico za takšno mojstrico!
Po damsko/*** 11
Pred 6 urami
19 komentarjev:
This is beautiful, Tina.. love the vellum strip and butterflies! :)
Verjamem, tudi jaz bi imela zelo potne roke, če bi izdelovala čestitko zanjo :)) Lepa in nežna. Moi pa je lahko zelo vesela, saj je bonbonček zelo bogat.
spet ena lepa!!
moi pa prisrčne čestitke ♥
IIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, skačem od veselja. Najlepša hvala za takšno presenečenje.
Čestitka za malo Lilo pa je tako nežna, sem jo že občudovala na Hero blogu.
Čestitke Moi.Uf tale voščilnica je pa mega, mega megastična. Super!
Voščilnica je čudovita. Dobitnici bonbončka čestitam. Lp
This is soo gorgeous! I love the butterfly and the vellum! :)
Love that beautiful pool colour ink Tina! Lovely design!
Gorgeous card Tina :-)
thanks for entering the Simon Says Stamp DT call and Good Luck :-)
Lols x x x
So delicate and gorgeous!
I love this fresh color combo, Tina...such a sweet welcome for Lila Grace.
Very pretty card Tina!!
wonderdful card!!!
So sweet & happy!
Pretty card, Tina!
sooo pretty Tina, your colors are beautiful!!!
Such a sweet card, Tina! Love the doily and the sentiment on vellum is the perfect touch!
this is SO pretty! was so happy to get it in the mail today. so lovely. the vellum is fabulous :)
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