Spring is finaly here and we are enjoying the warm wether. I think a tulip card is just perfect for this day. I masked the center of the card and stamped with Hero Arts Flower Dot Pattern. Then I pulled out this sweet tulip image from Three Flowers cling set to fill the white space.
Na ta krasen pomladni dan, so tulipani pravšnji motiv za objavo. Najprej sem s post-it listkom pokrila sredino voščilnice in nato odtisnila HA ozadje Flower Dot Pattern. Majhni tulipančki so iz starejšega seta Three Flowers. Nato sem naredila še štiri luknjice in napeljala vrvico. Prijazen pozdrav!
Rojstvo/*** 10
Pred 18 urami
12 komentarjev:
Gorgeous, Tina!! Love the frame!
o kok so zakon tile tulipančki in kakšne čudovite barve... kar zamika te, da bi enega utrgal ali pa cel šopek in ga razstavil na ogled v dnevni sobi...
pozdravček iz vročega omiša...
Love the way you used the string for the frame, Tina! Beautiful tulips too! :)
Hi, Tina!
Look at this fresh BEAUTY! The background, tulips, string-frame, are simply beautiful! AND the gems are the perfect finishing touches. Beautifully done! I love it!
Preprosto, lepo skombinirano in čudovita barva. Všeć mi je.
kakšni nori tulipani!!
poleg tega je voščilnica zelo domiselna.
Tulips are perfect for this time of year and this is a great one layer card. The string border is just the perfect touch :)
ANother creative and pretty card!!!
Zelo zanimiv okvir si dodala tulipanom, ki so tako ali tako prekrasni!
Enostavno in čudovito..:):)
Še ena čudovita kreacija, isto bi lahko napisala za vse, ki ji sledijo ...
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