Resist is one of my favourite techiques and I made another card for Lily pad cards resist challenge in sweet colors from Play date cafe. I think I must pull out some other stamps....but I am really so glad to have the HA Lotus leaves set :-))
Še vedno vztrajam z lotosovim cvetom in `resist` tehniko za nekaj izzivov. Nekaj me muči prehlad, pa jo počasi mahnem v posteljo (no, saj ne da sem sicer veliko bolj `zgovorna`...). Želim vam lep preostanek tedna.
The Male Room #195 - Monochrome
Pred 59 minutami
11 komentarjev:
This is just gorgeous! Such a fantastic take on the color story! And I love the way you've brought it all together with that mustard, laced button! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!
It's beautiful what you've done with these colors, Tina! That button is a totally fab finish!
Gorgeous take on this challenge! I love the design on this shaped card! Love the perfectly placed button and bow!
So že prehladi na pohodu?? Upam, da hitro mine.
Čudovita voščilnica. Gumb s pentljo prav paše na njo.
Tudi ta je krasna, Tina. Ta lotusov cvet je res lep.
Prav vsaka različica lotosovega cveta je krasna. Prehladi in hude viroze so res že na pohodu; hitro se pozdravi!!
Krasno kombiniraš ta lotusov cvet v čestitke. In res je lepa štampiljka.
I've just been given this set for one of my dt's to play with, you've made it look beautiful! LOVE it!!! Thanks for the inspiration and for playing along with us over at The Play Date Cafe this week!
Modro turkizna mi je za malenkost bolj všeč! Pozdravi se.
Super pretty colors!! I'm now thinking I need this set!
Gorgeous design, Tina! Loving the pretty resist and that color combo! I'm so glad you joined the challenge at Lily Pad Cards!
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